How to select a good German shepherd breeder?

German shepherds are an intelligent, loyal, and eager-to-please breed of canines. German Shepherds are easy to please and train, and they are one of the most intelligent breeds of dogs out there. Bringing a German shepherd puppy to your home is a very big responsibility. You need to realize that, although you are buying the dog from a breeder, yet it is not an object. A dog is one of the most wonderful creatures and they can love to the extent of giving away their lives to ensure the safety of the owner. This type of dog is noted for its vigor, agility, keen observation of its environment and a cheerful disposition. It is extremely intelligent that it is known for its exceptional train ability skills and workmanship as a partner during police search and rescue operations.

You should essentially look for ethical breeding practices from breeders. Unethical breeders often provide diseased, weak, and nervous dogs simply because they raise the animals as objects. As dog owners recognize, good breeding is a life-art where the animals are valued as living beings and not objects to sell by numbers and earn money. Every good breeder is a dog owner first. He ensures that the kennels are clean, and the parents are the healthiest and most intelligent. He would rather selectively breed, instead of heavy breeding. In addition, when a puppy is nervous and scared of socializing, the ethical person does not straightaway reject the dog. Instead, he puts in the best efforts to train best the puppy.

The most important trait of good German Shepherds breeder is that he is not indiscriminate about raising the dogs. Instead, he recognizes that selective breeding is an art of creating the most beautiful and intelligent dogs. The number of dogs in his litter is not a primary concern. His priority is to see that all his puppies train well and get a good home in a loving family. To ensure the best in puppies, he chooses the healthiest and most intelligent parents, preferably champion dogs. He makes sure to conduct health test of the parents before breeding so that any disease does not pass on to the puppies.


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