The Ideal Temperament of the German Shepherds and its Testing

German shepherd
Distinguished by its flexibility and physical skill the German shepherd is acclaimed all over the world. Identified as the most popular breed it is well known for its adaptability, accepted for its sharp brain and adored for its dedication and loyalty towards the owner. Another remarkable trait of this breed is its courage and capacity to maintain training for various services. This breed is generally used by the police and military man as detection, search or rescue dogs. Their other field of utility is path guider for the blinds. The German shepherds have a notable history. Their brown medium sized eyes give a look expressing their extent of self-assurance. For all these qualities there is a vast demand for the pink paper German shepherd puppies for sale.

This breed is marked by its intelligence being able to learn simple tasks after only five repetitions. Apart from that strength is its possession. These dogs are highly active dogs having a curiosity to learn. These dogs always remain in an enthusiastic mode which makes them good search dogs. Socialized German shepherd is reputed to be safe.

Ideal Temperament for a German Shepherd Dog
The German shepherd is not only a dog with beautiful appearance but is well known for its strong and excellent guarding nature. This should not be confused with aggressive nature rather it is because of the boldness and self-confidence. The German shepherd puppies with pink papers are self-assured animal. They are loyal companion, devoted to family members, excellent with children, approachable and tolerant of strangers, but with a natural ability to discriminate between friend and foe and an instinctive ability to immediately recognize danger when it appears. With a sound training these dogs are trained to face any upcoming danger. These are one of the most handsome breeds being always the show winner. They are quite uniform in appearance that you could hardly find any fault in their look. Additional features like gait and spectacular, ground-covering, side-movement are just awesome in this breed. These German shepherd have never failed in showing dynamic, animated, energetic temperaments.

Temperament Testing

In this this test all the dogs exhibited at the show in the adult class are threatened, individually, with a stick by an "assailant", suitably protected with a padded arm and protective clothing. This form of temperament testing has also been introduced in most countries of the world where German Shepherd Dogs are bred and shown. As a result there is a definite improvement in the temperament of German Shepherd Dogs. This "test of courage" is a positive step towards the improvement of the protective instinct of the German shepherd puppies with pink papers.


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