How to choose the right German Shepherd Puppies?

A German Shepherd puppy is irresistible, and German Shepherds are great dogs. They make excellent companions and loving, protective members of the family. They're highly intelligent, athletic, self-confident, and extremely alert. They're naturally devoted to their human pack, and though you won't see a Shepherd fawning all over anyone, they're very bonded and affectionate with their families. A healthy, well-bred German Shepherd puppy is never aggressive, naturally watchful, and will soon become protective of his people and territory.
But before you buy a GermanShepherd puppy, you should carefully consider if it's the right breed for you and your family. Shepherds cannot tolerate inactivity and boredom. Both their intelligence and powerful bodies thrive on being put to work. No wonder they are the premier service dog, whether guiding the blind or saving lives in combat.
Training is essential--A German Shepherd dog quickly masters basic commands and will learn any trick or chore you want to teach him. There are a couple other important things to consider. As puppies and awkward adolescents, German Shepherds, though never mean, can be a hazard for small children and those who may be frail. These are big dogs that grow quickly and they're very energetic and curious. On the plus side, the fine Shepherd coat needs no special attention, but in shedding season, it's a good idea to comb out your German Shepherd every few days. Once you've decided on a German Shepherd dog, the most important single decision is where to get your puppy. The only way you can be confident about having a good-tempered, healthy dog is to deal with a reputable breeder.
A serious breeder will know your German Shepherd puppy's genetic history and be concerned to place the puppy where it will be well cared for. She'll also want to know something about you so she can guide you to the puppy whose temperament will suit its new family. The next most important thing is to educate yourself about how to care for your new adoptee. A good breeder is a great source of information and always willing to be consulted about her dogs. You can find German shepherd puppies from Germanshepherdflorida.


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